"research" blog posts

Microtubules: from atoms to complex systemsEleanor Hargreaves and friends at the conference BBQ

Microtubules: from atoms to complex systems

Eleanor Hargreaves is a third year PhD student in the Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Systems Biology. Eleanor discusses her research and her recent trip to Germany for an EMBO symposium on microtubules.

Posted on: 19 July 2024

Investigating RNA quality control using omicsA photo of Chania harbour by night

Investigating RNA quality control using omics

Stuart Fulton is a final year PhD Student in the Department of Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine. He recently attended The Focused Meeting on Integrative Omics of Nuclear Functions in Chania, Crete, and told us about his trip and current research.

Posted on: 23 April 2024

Exploring the intersection of AI and drug designYang Hao in London

Exploring the intersection of AI and drug design

Yang Hao is a fourth year PhD student in the Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Systems Biology and is supervised by Professor Luning Liu. She recently attended the Bio-IT conference in London and told us about her trip.

Posted on: 13 March 2024

London Festival of Genomics and BiodataPiotr Darski at the London Festival of Genomics and Biodata

London Festival of Genomics and Biodata

Piotr Darski is a PhD student in the department of Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine. He recently attended the London Festival of Genomics & Biodata and told us about his trip.

Posted on: 13 February 2024

Spotlight: Professor Luning LiuProfessor Luning Liu in the laboratory

Spotlight: Professor Luning Liu

This edition of Spotlight focuses on Professor Luning Liu, Chair of Microbial Bioenergetics and Bioengineering in the Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Systems Biology. Having joined the University of Liverpool in December 2012, Luning was awarded a prestigious Royal Society University Research Fellowship to establish his independent research group, which focuses on photosynthesis, carbon fixation, and synthetic engineering.

Posted on: 17 January 2024

Science in San FranciscoGroup lab photo, left to right: Jacob (Lab assistant gaining experience), Jing (lab assistant, from UC Berkeley), George Carter, Laura (Visiting intern from Germany), Carolina (Visiting Fellow from Argentina) and Danyal (postdoc).

Science in San Francisco

George Carter is a third year Microbiology student in the School of Life Sciences. Here he tells us about his experiences on a placement at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), which have confirmed his desire to pursue a career in research.

Posted on: 11 January 2024

A new approach to Alzheimer’s disease with Neuro-BioAdam Khan

A new approach to Alzheimer’s disease with Neuro-Bio

Adam Khan is a third year Pharmacology student in the School of Life Sciences. Here he tells us about his experiences on an industrial placement with Neuro-Bio, a biotechnology company, and the valuable insights he gained.

Posted on: 12 December 2023

Introducing: Colin HammondColin Hammond in the park, children's climbing frame in the background

Introducing: Colin Hammond

Dr Colin Hammond recently joined the Institute as a Lecturer in the Department of Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine. Here is a quick introduction to Colin, his first impressions and plans.

Posted on: 16 November 2023

Microbiology Society Studentship: summer scienceHolly Richardson in the lab

Microbiology Society Studentship: summer science

Holly Richardson is a third-year undergraduate student from the School of Life Sciences. This summer she spent 8 weeks on a Microbiology Society Harry Smith Vacation Studentship in the Hinton Lab. Here she tells us about the highlights.

Posted on: 7 November 2023

Culturing liver cells at KarolinskaRowena Sison-Young and Georgina Gregory in the laboratory at Karolinska

Culturing liver cells at Karolinska

Georgina Gregory is a Research Associate in the Copple Lab within the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. She recently spent three weeks in Sweden at the Karolinska Institutet and tells us about her trip.

Posted on: 20 October 2023

Fellowships and falls at McMaster UniversitySara Chowdhury standing behind the McMaster University sign, under a large tree with flowers to the foreground

Fellowships and falls at McMaster University

Sara Chowdhury is a final year PhD student in the Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Systems Biology. She was recently selected for a Turing Fellowship, spending the summer conducting research at McMaster University in Canada. Here she tells us about her trip.

Posted on: 6 October 2023

Presenting pancreatic research in the AlpsWenhao Cai Travel Award Blog

Presenting pancreatic research in the Alps

Dr Wenhao Cai graduated this summer with a PhD from the Institute of Systems, Molecular and Integrative Biology (ISMIB). He recently attended the 55th Annual Meeting of the European Pancreatic Club in Austria and tells us about his research and the trip.

Posted on: 1 August 2023

Spotlight: Dr Sarah Barnett – Mesothelioma research at the Egg FacilityDr Sarah Barnett with her poster presentation on mesothelioma

Spotlight: Dr Sarah Barnett – Mesothelioma research at the Egg Facility

This edition of Spotlight focuses on Dr Sarah Barnett, Facility Manager of the University’s innovative Egg Facility (CEF), who is helping to spearhead advancements in mesothelioma research.

Posted on: 10 July 2023

Spotlight: Dr Ainhoa Mielgo

Spotlight: Dr Ainhoa Mielgo

This edition of Spotlight focusses on Dr Ainhoa Mielgo, a Reader in the Department of Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine. Ainhoa joined the University of Liverpool in 2013 as a Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale Fellow, when she established her independent research group, which focusses on the tumour microenvironment.

Posted on: 18 May 2023

Spotlight: Dr Adeniyi Olagunju

Spotlight: Dr Adeniyi Olagunju

This edition of Spotlight focusses on Dr Adeniyi Olagunju, a Tenure Track Fellow in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Adeniyi joined the University of Liverpool in June 2021 and recently established the Perinatal Pharmacology Group. Prior to this, Adeniyi was a Senior Lecturer at the Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria, where his research was funded by the Wellcome Trust.

Posted on: 9 May 2023

BNA2023 Festival of Neuroscience Filippo Dall'Armellina presenting his poster at a neuroscience conference

BNA2023 Festival of Neuroscience

Filippo Dall’Armellina is a first year PhD student in the Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Systems Biology. He recently attended the British Neuroscience Association Festival in Brighton and told us all about his trip.

Posted on: 25 April 2023

My First Paper: Laura Bracun684x355

My First Paper: Laura Bracun

This week we continue our 'My First Paper' Campaign, showcasing researchers and their research - with Laura Bracun from the Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Systems Biology.

Posted on: 7 October 2022

Spotlight on sepsiscase study image

Spotlight on sepsis

This edition of Spotlight focuses on Dr Howbeer Muhamad-Ali from the Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Systems Biology. Howbeer is a Tenure Track Fellow and his research group focuses on the applications of molecular imaging and metabolomics techniques for understanding antimicrobial resistance (AMR) at single cell and community (biofilm) levels.

Posted on: 3 October 2022

Neurosciences en ParisView of Paris with Eiffel Tower in the distance

Neurosciences en Paris

Sophie Rustidge is a second year PhD student in the Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Systems Biology. She recently attended the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies Conference 2022 in Paris and tells us about her trip.

Posted on: 20 September 2022

Lysosomes and lake swimming in New HampshireLake view

Lysosomes and lake swimming in New Hampshire

Katy McCarron is a third year PhD student in the Institute of Systems, Molecular and Integrative Biology. She recently attended the 2022 Lysosomes and Endocytosis Gordon research conference 2022 in New Hampshire, USA and tells us about her trip!

Posted on: 1 September 2022

An immunological lens for cancerGaia Bellomo in a laboratory

An immunological lens for cancer

Gaia Bellomo is a PhD student in the Department of Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine in the Institute of Systems, Molecular and Integrative Biology. She recently attended a workshop at the Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute in Glasgow and told us all about her research and the trip.

Posted on: 30 August 2022

CRUK symposium: Hypoxia in head and neck cancer Rhianna standing with her poster presentation

CRUK symposium: Hypoxia in head and neck cancer

Rhianna Hill is a second year PhD student in Department of Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine. She recently attended the Cancer Research UK PhD/Postdoc Symposium at the Francis Crick Institute in London and told us all about her research and the trip.

Posted on: 23 August 2022

Talking proteomics at BSPR 2022BSPR conference ID badge

Talking proteomics at BSPR 2022

Megan Ford is a PhD student in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. She recently attended the annual British Society for Proteome Research conference in Oxford and told us all about her research and the trip.

Posted on: 19 July 2022

Professor Simon Keller - European Young Investigator 2022 ILAE

Professor Simon Keller - European Young Investigator 2022 ILAE

Professor Simon Keller has been awarded the European Young Investigator Award, by the International League Against Epilepsy.

Posted on: 12 July 2022

My First Paper: Thanyaporn Tengsuttiwat684x355

My First Paper: Thanyaporn Tengsuttiwat

As part of our new initiative across the Faculty, are showcasing research and their researchers across the board engaging with the future generations of researchers. This week we continue our My First Paper campaign with Thanyaporn Tengsuttiwat from ISMIB, telling us all about her first research paper.

Posted on: 6 July 2022

Spring SciX Conference Report 2022

Spring SciX Conference Report 2022

A couple of weeks ago, the University of Liverpool hosted the Spring SciX Conference, a 3-day conference in which early careers researchers present their research and provides them opportunities for oral and poster presentations with the aim of establishing career mentors for early careers researchers. Daniel Smaje, Sara Sadia Chowdhury, and Thanyaporn Tengsuttiwat all attended the conference and here is what they said about it.

Posted on: 28 April 2022

Hosting the UoL Plant and Photosynthesis Symposium 2022

Hosting the UoL Plant and Photosynthesis Symposium 2022

A group of PhD and postdoc students got together and organised a Plant and Photosynthesis Symposium which was held on the 17 March 2022. We spoke to Jessica Pritchard, one of our PhD students, who organised the event to find out what it was all about and her experiences before, during and after the symposium.

Posted on: 30 March 2022

My First Paper: Reecha Sofat

My First Paper: Reecha Sofat

As part of our new initiative across the Faculty, we will be showcasing research and their researchers across the board engaging with the future generations of researchers. Our first researcher from ISMIB is Professor Reecha Sofat, telling us all about her first research paper.

Posted on: 3 March 2022

PhD Students Insight to studying Biochemistry - Biology Week 2021

PhD Students Insight to studying Biochemistry - Biology Week 2021

Thanyaporn Tengsuttiwat, 3rd year PhD student provides an insight to her experience and PhD journey studying Biochemistry at the University of Liverpool.

Posted on: 7 October 2021

How do Komodo dragons keep warm?

How do Komodo dragons keep warm?

My name is Meghan Hill and I am a final year MBiolSci student studying biological sciences. I am particularly interested in the field of animal behaviour and am currently undertaking a 1-year internship with the Behaviour and Welfare department at Chester Zoo while also completing my Master's studies.

Posted on: 14 March 2021

Student wins prize at British Pharmacology Society conferenceBeth Heaton in the laboratory

Student wins prize at British Pharmacology Society conference

Beth Heaton, a PhD student in the department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, has won an award at the annual British Pharmacological Society (BPS: Pharmacology 2020) conference for her work on glucose uptake transporters in human immune cells.

Posted on: 8 January 2021

Spotlight: Lung cancer research in Liverpool

Spotlight: Lung cancer research in Liverpool

As Lung Cancer Awareness Month comes to a close, we reflect on the vital research taking place in Liverpool.

Posted on: 30 November 2020

Spotlight: Professor Eithne Costello - pancreatic cancer researchProfessor Eithne Costello

Spotlight: Professor Eithne Costello - pancreatic cancer research

This edition of Spotlight focuses on Professor Eithne Costello from the Department of Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine. Eithne joined the University of Liverpool in 1999, where she established her own research group focused on pancreatic cancer, with a particular emphasis on early diagnosis.

Posted on: 19 November 2020

Life as a PhD Student in Lockdown Rebecca Jensen in University Square after her MRes graduation ceremony

Life as a PhD Student in Lockdown

Rebecca Jensen is a PhD student in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences. During the first national lockdown she was unable to continue her original research from home, and so she decided to volunteer for the ISARIC/WHO CCP study which looks at the urgent questions posed by Covid-19. Here she tells us what that was like, and how she is coping with the second national lockdown.

Posted on: 16 November 2020

Spotlight: Professor Sarah CouplandProfessor Sarah Coupland

Spotlight: Professor Sarah Coupland

This edition of Spotlight focuses on Professor Sarah Coupland from the Department of Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine. Sarah holds the George Holt Chair in Pathology and is an Honorary Consultant Histopathologist at the Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Posted on: 13 November 2020

Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed joins British Heart Foundation BoardProfessor Sir Munir Pirmohamed

Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed joins British Heart Foundation Board

Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed has been appointed as a trustee to the Board of the British Heart Foundation (BHF). He was appointed alongside Prudential’s Mark FitzPatrick and Professor Jill Pell from the University of Glasgow.

Posted on: 12 November 2020

From Uganda to the UK: Crossing continents for COVID-19 clinical care

From Uganda to the UK: Crossing continents for COVID-19 clinical care

Catriona Waitt is a Reader in Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Liverpool, a Wellcome clinical postdoctoral fellow based at the Infectious Diseases Institute, Makerere University College of Health Sciences, and an honorary Consultant in Acute Medicine at the Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Peter Waitt is an Acute Physician at Wirral University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the Infectious Disease Institute as Uganda Clinical Lead on the Joint Mobile Emerging Disease Clinical Capability Project. Here they tell us about balancing work and family life during the pandemic, both in Uganda and in Liverpool.

Posted on: 15 October 2020

Spotlight: Professor Andy Jones - international rice researchRice Diversity.  Part of the image collection of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

Spotlight: Professor Andy Jones - international rice research

This edition of Spotlight focuses on Professor Andy Jones from the Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Systems Biology. Andy is joint Director of the Computational Biology Facility and is one of the founders of the UK Rice Research Consortium (UKRRC).

Posted on: 9 October 2020

Spotlight: Dr Jill Madine - researching dementia

Spotlight: Dr Jill Madine - researching dementia

This edition of Spotlight focuses on Dr Jill Madine from the Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Systems Biology. Jill has a long-standing interest in the role of amyloid proteins in neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases. Her recent research has focussed on the potential role of the previously identified cardiovascular amyloid protein medin in dementia.

Posted on: 11 September 2020