

The University of Liverpool can now facilitate flexible, multi-purpose digital learning and events using the online platform, SpatialChat. The platform is fully customisable, accessible to all University of Liverpool staff, students, and external stakeholders and suitable for a range of institutional use cases.

SpatialChat (1.5-minute introductory video) is an online platform that allows people to connect and interact in customisable virtual spaces that can simulate physical environments. The platform uses spatial audio technology to create a more immersive experience for users, and supports features including screen sharing, third-party tool integration and chat messaging. It provides a unique and flexible platform for the University to enhance online engagement. 


Our vision is to create dynamic and interactive virtual environments that enhance the student experience, improve online visitor engagement, and provide a multi-faceted digital event space for the diverse University of Liverpool community. We will continue to develop a digital ecosystem that enhances the University of Liverpool's reputation as a leader in innovative, technology-driven learning and online engagement. 


Our approach is to support the development of a range of versatile digital spaces for a variety of purposes. These include online learning, social integration, well-being events, professional development, promotional activities, engaging with external stakeholders, alumni relations, industry collaboration, interdisciplinary research, conferences, remote teamwork, and networking. We will establish inclusive spaces that promote a collaborative culture between students and staff, encouraging innovation through engagement and co-creation. 


CIE (Centre for Innovation in Education) have successfully piloted SpatialChat with a range of institutional stakeholders over the past year. Use of the platform has seen increased engagement, enhanced collaboration, and improved learning opportunity. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. 

CIE has supported a diverse range of activities, all of which are designed to enhance the learning and working experience of our community. From developing clinical communication skills in dentistry to enhancing language teaching and learning, CIE is committed to using technology to foster collaboration and innovation. We welcome applications to use the platform from all interested staff and students at the University. 

Project planning process

If you are interested in using SpatialChat, the following ten-step process for developing a project may be useful in your initial planning:

  1. Define project objectives: Define the purpose of the project, such as online learning, recruitment, engagement, collaboration, induction, etc. Set goals and objectives that align with the project purpose and support the university's strategic objectives.
    Key consideration: What are the objectives for your project and how do these align with the University’s strategic ambitions?
  2. Identify project stakeholders and audience: Identify key stakeholders in the project and target audience, including staff, students, partners and external stakeholders.
    Key consideration: Who is your target online audience?
  3. Form project team: Form a project team that includes representatives from each stakeholder group, administration, as well as any external vendors or partners. Assign roles and responsibilities, and establish communication and decision-making processes.
    Key consideration:
    Who will be in the project team and what will they do?
  4. Develop project plan: Develop a project plan. Define project scope, deliverables, timelines, and resources required.
    Key consideration: What are the key dates and milestones?
  5. Design virtual environment: Design the virtual environment, ensuring that it meets the project objectives and design requirements. Consider the layout, features, and functionality required for the virtual environment to support the project goals.
    Key consideration:
    What does your online space look and feel like?
  6. Develop digital resources: Develop or source necessary digital resources, such as multimedia and third-party tools. Ensure that these resources are accessible and compatible with the virtual environment.
    Key consideration: Which external multimedia and tools will you include?
  7. Identify and train staff, facilitators and support: Identify the staff members who will support the project, and provide them with training on the use of SpatialChat, as well as any other tools or resources that they will be using.
    Key consideration: Which staff will support and facilitate your live event?
  8. Conduct user testing: Conduct user testing to ensure that the virtual environment and digital resources are user-friendly, accessible, and meet the project objectives. Gather feedback from users and make improvements as necessary.
    Key consideration: Who will test your virtual space and how will they provide feedback?
  9. Administration, promotion and delivery: Administer, promote and launch the project, using a variety of marketing and communication channels.
    Key consideration: How will you administer and promote your project?
  10. Evaluate and iterate: Evaluate the success of the project using metrics such as attendance, engagement, and user feedback. Use this data to inform future improvements and iterations of the project.
    Key consideration: How will you evaluate your project?

For more information, a demonstration, or to register your interest, please contact

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