Lecture Series: Jo Harrop, director PLACED


Map of an urban area, pins are placed at various points with cardboard luggage tags hanging from them.

Creating better places together

Wednesday 4th October 2023 1pm Reilly Room

An insight into PLACED’s education and engagement programmes that aim to increase the representation of diverse voices in the design of places and spaces.

PLACED specialises in place education and engagement, developing knowledge and community insights into the built environment. We believe that everyone is an expert when it comes to the places where they live, work, or spend time. PLACED support those who are traditionally under-represented in having their voices heard.

Jo Harrop, PLACED Director and Founder, will share her insights about two of their flagship programmes developed to enable more representative views to be part of the discussion about the future of places; the PLACED Academy is their free to access education programme for 14-18 year olds, and BirkenEd’s Place, a community engagement hub in Birkenhead, delivered in partnership with Wirral Council. Jo will share how these projects draw on past experience to become best practice models for delivery and share some of the outcomes of this work.