The School provides an outstanding, inclusive student experience which enhances employability and inspires our students to become socially responsible citizens.

Through the ULMS Extracurricular Engagement, Careers, and Skills Award (ExECS) you will develop skills in the areas of careers and employability, personal development, network practice, and take part in social and cultural activities. These are areas that ULMS believes will provide you with the skill-set and knowledge needed to enhance your student experience.

The award has three categories:

  • Engagement
  • Innovation and Employability
  • Skills Development

You will be required to undertake a minimum of five activities, including at least one activity from each category.

Examples of activities which fall under each category can be found below. Please note this list is not exhaustive and you may take part in other activities which will count towards the award.

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    Examples include:

    • Get involved: become a Course Rep or a student ambassador for the School. Get involved in helping the School organise events for your fellow students
    • Events in Liverpool: attend a public event or festival in the city and Merseyside area
    • Management School activities: attend one of our regular social events. These are conducted online
    • MSc ExECS Scavenger Hunt: take part in our MSc ExECS Scavenger hunt! Find and take photos of interesting landmarks and items
    • Clubs and societies: get involved with one of the many clubs and societies as part of the Guild of Students


    Innovation and Employability

    Examples include:

    • Careers & Employability sessions: attendance at centrally run Careers events including Careers Fairs
    • Masters Consultancy Challenge: We Can Work it Out - an opportunity to compete in a business consultancy challenge to solve real consultancy problems posed by a panel of employers
    • Leaders of Tomorrow: an opportunity for the top master's students to take part in a series of interactive employability workshops and leadership seminars
    • UBC Global Masters Postgraduate Business Challenge: participate in a prestigious intra-University competition designed to help postgraduate students develop the business skills needed when moving from campus to corporate/public sector life
    • Virtual employer visits: take part in a variety of virtual employer visits as organised by the Management School's dedicated Careers team
    • Volunteering: join one of the fun and rewarding volunteering opportunities through Volunteering Liverpool or the Guild of Students.


    Skills Development

    Examples include:

    • PG Skills Enhancement sessions: a programme of weekly support sessions designed to help you enhance and develop your study and career skills. Sessions are run by the School's dedicated Learning and Teaching Support Officers and Careers Advisers. You will be required to attend a minimum of three sessions over the course of the academic year
    • KnowHow: a programme of workshops designed to help improve your study skills and support your academic success
    • Bloomberg Market Concepts: an 8-12 hour, self-paced e-learning course that provides a visual introduction to the financial markets.

A year in the life

Students from the ULMS ExECS Class of 2024 took part in a photo competition to document their time
at the Management School, submitting photos of themselves enjoying life in and around the University
campus, the city of Liverpool, and beyond:

MSc ExECS photography competition 2024

ULMS ExECS has not only equipped me with a toolbox of skills but has also painted my university memories with vibrant and unforgettable hues. I am grateful for the skills, connections, and colourful moments that will propel my future endeavours.

Gayathri Muraleedharan (MSc International Business)