Research with an Overseas Collaborator


An ex-colleague is now working at an institute in China and wants to collaborate on a research project regarding drones and how they are affected by wind, high rise buildings etc. The agreement would be with the educational institution the ex-colleague is working at. Technology would be shared between the UK university and the university in China via electronic methods.  


  1. No Technology which is controlled should be shared in the discussion stage of the project.
  2. Using the UK Strategic Export Control list, assess the Technology which would be exported as part of the project (so the information/know-how) according to the physical goods the Technology is for. 
  3. Can any exemptions be applied?
  4. If the Technology is controlled, an export control licence should be obtained prior to starting the project and importantly before any export of Technology is made. Complete the Export Control Query form.
  5. If the Technology is not controlled, an end-user Check may be required. This is required due to the overseas entity (the Insitute) being based in a key country, one that is subject to sanctions/embargoes. Contact the IREC for advice on this so initial screening can be done on the entity and if necessary an end-user check is carried out. No Technology should be exported until the end-user check is done and there are no WMD, military or end-user concerns.



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