Madeleine Moyle

I am based in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of Liverpool undertaking a CASE studentship partnered with Natural England. My research is focused on the impact of human activity on catchment phosphorus (P) flux at Crose Mere, a SSSI in north Shropshire.

Increased P input to a water body can result in eutrophic conditions which can have detrimental impacts on biodiversity. National targets for total P are in place for these environments however many sites, including Crose Mere, have P levels well above the desired nutrient status. The aim of the project is to work towards understanding what mitigation practices would need to be in place to achieve good ecological status at Crose Mere. This will involve a programme of fieldwork and labwork to examine past conditions and monitor the current nutrient status which will inform the production of scenario-based projections for future catchment P flux at Crose Mere.

Prior to starting this PhD I completed an MSc in Environment and Climate Change where I developed an interest in sediment geochemistry and nutrient cycling. Before that I studied for a BA in Archaeology and Geography which is what kicked-started my interest in human- environment interactions.