Our Team


SAVSNET Investigators

Greyscale image of white female with short blonde hair
Head and shoulders image of David Killick


(University of Liverpool)

Greyscale image of white female with long dark hair in a laboratory setting

Dr Shirley Bonner

Research Associate

Dr Ashley Ward

Postdoctoral Researcher

Greyscale image of white male with short dark hair wearing glasses

Steven Smyth

Principal Programme Analyst

Greyscale image of a white female with long dark hair by the coast with her Dutch cross dog

Shona Bloodworth

Petsavers/University of Liverpool PhD student

Female with long hair sat with Vizsla dog

Katherine Anderson

Dogs Trust/University of Liverpool postgraduate student

We are very grateful to everyone who has contributed to this project, with particular thanks due to Dr Philip Jones, Andrew Ash, Suzanna Reynolds, Julian Bryan, Karen Coyne, Mark Johnston, Aine Tierney, Tarek Menacere, Dr Maya Wardeh, Katie McConnell, Dr Sally Everitt, Professor Michael Day, Dr Jenny Newman, Dr Elena Arsevska, Susan Bolan, Prof. Ros Gaskell, Dr Marisol Collins, Dr Cassandra Raby, Jodie Jackson, Dr Rocío Checa Herraiz, Dr David Singleton, Dr Heather Davies, Bethaney Brant and Dr Hayey Jones. All the progress we have made would not have been possible without their vision, work ethic, firiendship and commitment. We wish them well in their new careers and roles.