These Rapid Disease Investigations (RDIs') are currently unfunded. They are achievable because of the data kindly provided by practitioners and because of the expertise within the SAVSNET group; we will not be able to produce RDIs for every possible scenario, and the absence of an RDI should not be used to imply there is no issue. These data should not be used as proof as to the presence or absence of events. However, they can be used to inform discussions about possible changes of disease seen in practice. If you are an owner concerned about the health of your pet, then please contact your own veterinary surgeon who is best placed to offer advice.
1. Possible outbreaks of gastrointestinal disease in dogs in the North East and Yorkshire (January)
5. Update on kennel cough in dogs (August)
4. Feline pancytopenia (August)
3. Kennel cough in dogs (June)
2. Face mask ingestion by dogs (March)
1. Suspected increase in parvovirus in the North West (March)