The VISION group evaluates visual impairment in acquired brain injury and neurological conditions, explores and develops outcome measures in orthoptics, and seeks to explore the complexity of co-existent visual and functional impairments.
We undertake mixed methods research (evidence synthesis, quantitative statistics, qualitative analysis) to evaluate visual impairment following brain injury such as stroke, pituitary lesions, idiopathic intracranial hypertension and brain trauma in a range of settings and explore diagnostic accuracy and patient-reported or clinician-focused outcome measures.
In particular we focus on:
- Screening for visual impairment in at risk populations
- Choice and accuracy of diagnostic techniques
- Visual rehabilitation
- Impact of visual impairment to daily life
- Care and service provision
- Health inequalities and unmet needs.
VISION Research Unit, University of Liverpool retain all copyright on professional resources, patient resources, BIVI-IQ questionnaire, VISA screening tool and V-FAST screening tool. If you wish to modify/translate these resources/tools in any way, please contact rowef@liverpool.ac.uk