Michele Carla

Michele Carla is from Firenze, Italy where he studied Physics at the Universita' degli studi di Firenze.

As an undergraduate in Physics, he worked on the MU-RAY experiment. The MU-RAY project aims at the construction of muon telescopes and the development of new analysis tools for muon radiography. His work in this project consisted of building and characterising the resolution of a prototype of a scintillator odoscope. Michele obtained his Bachelor’s degree in June of 2009.

Following this, Michele continued studying for a Master’s in Physical Science with specialisation in High Energy Physics. This time he worked in the SwissFEL experiment at the PSI. As part of this project he spent 6 months at PSI in 2012 to work on the development of his thesis. His work in this project consisted in a systematic study of the Echo Enabled Harmonic Generatio seeding scheme for the Athos beam-line for the SwissFEL Free-Electron Laser.

Currently Michele is employed at ALBA where his research will focus on characterising the machine as well as study other possible upgrades to ALBA.




Advanced beam physics problems at light sources
