"transforming conflict research theme" blog posts
Updates from the Faculty’s Transforming Conflict Research Theme

Updates from the Faculty’s Transforming Conflict Research Theme
The Transforming Conflict Research Theme provides a site for various forms of conflict and conflict transformation work to be explored by colleagues from across the Humanities & Social Sciences Faculty, and the wider University of Liverpool. Here we share highlights from the Theme’s most recent activities.
Posted on: 9 September 2019
Public Lecture: Documentation as historical witnesses: From landscapes of violence to landscapes of memory. 

Public Lecture: Documentation as historical witnesses: From landscapes of violence to landscapes of memory.
Savina Sirik will discuss her experiences documenting the Khmer Rouge history and reflect on the role Documentation Centre Cambodia’s work has played in constructing narratives of this period and how it contributes to the production of memory in post-genocide Cambodia.
Posted on: 16 April 2018