Photo of Dr Guobin Xia

Dr Guobin Xia FRSA, FHEA

Lecturer / Assistant Professor in Product Design Materials, Design and Manufacturing Eng


Research Overview

Research interests

Colour Design: I'm deeply intrigued by the myriad possibilities that colour and light offer in realms such as product design, interior decoration, and the enhancement of mental health and wellbeing. My research explores how colours stir emotions, shape preferences, and can even forecast trends. Understanding the underlying psychology of colour harmony and meanings enables us to craft spaces and products that resonate profoundly with individuals.

XR Experience Design: In this area, I explore how cutting-edge virtual, augmented, and mixed reality technologies can dramatically alter our daily routines. From digital education and healthcare to automobile design and virtual interactions, these tools have the potential to create deeply immersive and transformative experiences that improve wellbeing and simplify complex tasks.

Data-Driven Design: This approach involves weaving real-world data about people's behaviours and attitudes into the fabric of the design process. By harnessing the power of big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, I aim to refine our designs to be more intuitive, sustainable, and human-centred.

Human-Centred Design of Automated Vehicles: My research in this field is dedicated to putting the human experience at the heart of automated vehicle design. I explore how aspects like colour, texture, and lighting affect our interaction with vehicle interfaces, striving to create designs that marry aesthetics with functionality, thereby enhancing both safety and comfort.

We welcome applications from qualified individuals for PhD, Postdoctoral, and Visiting Scholar positions via the following channels: Liverpool-CSC scholarship; Commonwealth PhD scholarship; Newton International Fellowship; Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships.