Consultancy: knowledge exchange that helps create impact and raise profiles

Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 - 2:00 PM

Format: In-Person Workshop (45 minutes) - UoL Only

How applying your expertise can help generate impact and raise your profile.

Consultancy is an important mechanism of knowledge exchange that provides a great way to engage with external organisations (industry, government and third sector) to generate impact, income and raise your profile.
This session will provide an overview of the benefits carrying out consultancy can have and the processes and support available at the University.
Members of the Consultancy Team will be available during and after the session to answer any questions and provide tailored guidance.
Visit the consultancy intranet for more information


The session will be presented by the Consultancy Team: Dr Susan Kenny, Mr Jak Newby and Miss Erin Glorman.

Since the consultancy policy and internal system (CONSULT) were implemented in 2014, consultancy has quickly become an established activity across all areas of the organisation. The small and experienced Consultancy Team effectively manage over 300 projects per year and have received national recognition winning the PraxisAuril Knowledge Exchange (KE) awards winning KE Team of the Year for providing exemplary practice in the sector.

Linked sessions

Aimed at

Knowledge and skill axis

Innovation Theme(s)

RDF Domain(s)