Paul Taylor

Thesis: All Theists Should be Divine-Command Theorists 
My thesis argues that (and is entitled) ‘All Theists Should be Divine-Command Theorists’. It discusses the Euthyphro dilemma, which asks us whether God’s commands are the origin of goodness, or if God simply recognises universal moral truths. I will be arguing that the former, Divine-Command Theory, is the stronger solution to the dilemma. 
My other academic areas of interest outside of Philosophy of Religion are Applied Ethics, Meta-ethics, Moral Philosophy and Political Philosophy. I have also taught undergraduate seminars on many of these subjects. 
In 2023, I was awarded the Robbins Rotblat Scholarship by the University of Liverpool. The scholarship rewards students with exceptional academic performance who can demonstrate that they would not be able to go on to pursue postgraduate research without additional help. 
My research is supervised by Dr Daniel Hill and Dr Stephen McLeod. 

Paul Taylor