Remote Teaching podcast: From the Beatles to Beefheart - Part 2/2
Posted on: 23 April 2020 by Dr Tunde Varga-Atkins in General

'Care, empathy and pride', lecturers on their student experiences during remote teaching [image credit and source: @neonbrand]
Continuing the conversation on remote teaching, four lecturers from the University of Liverpool share their experiences of how students are engaging during the #COVID pandemic.
Please tune in to our second podcast on remote teaching with Dr Anna O’Connor from Orthoptics, Prof Diana Jeater from History, Dr James Gaynor from Chemistry, and Dr Stuart Wilks-Heeg, Politics. In this podcast, our guests reflect on how their students have been engaging during these times. You can hear about our guests’ experiences as educators in our first podcast. (Note: VITAL is the University’s VLE.)
(Remote Teaching Podcast: Part 2/2 Transcript)
Our guests discuss technological comfort zones of staff and students, whilst also taking remote teaching as opportunity to venture into new territories; the complexity of catering for both students’ wellbeing and their learning; the pros and cons of asynchronous and synchronous interactions; and paving way for ‘rethinking our pedagogy’ in the long term. Finally, our guests share what keeps them going in these difficult times. One such example are students who surpass staff expectations by taking their brief to the next level, such as those third-year Politics students producing daily podcasts for Spotify: Politics Hour or Soundcloud: Politics Hour.
Tunde Varga-Atkins (podcast host)
Chris Loxham (podcast producer)
Centre for Innovation in Education, University of Liverpool
Keywords: Remote Teaching, Covid, COVID19, University, Online Teaching, Staff experiences, Student experiences, Wellbeing, Art, Metaphors.