"tel" blog posts

Epidemics, Pandemics and Educational Innovation
With rationing in supermarkets, flights cancelled until further notice and the whole of Italy on lock down, to say we live in interesting and uncertain times is an understatement. We thought nothing could rival the complexity of Brexit; but the rapid spread of coronavirus across the globe just goes to show we should never underestimate our ability to be surprised!
Posted on: 11 March 2020

Video and Lecture Capture for Learning Event
As most were easing into the new year and tackling the Christmas inbox overload, at CIE we were preparing to welcome colleagues from across the UK to an event which would look to discuss the pedagogic value of lecture recording and video for learning, as well as begin to address some of the concerns staff may have around these areas.
Posted on: 21 January 2020

JISC Connect More - 27th June 2019
Connect More is a JISC ran series of events designed to showcase how learning and teaching can be enhanced through the use of technology.
Posted on: 20 August 2019

Turnitin on Campus: Cultivating Academic Excellence – 20th June 2019
On the 20th June, the University of Liverpool hosted the first of a series of Turnitin on Campus events. These events held on campuses across Europe bring together academics, researchers and learning technologists to discuss topics that touch on cultivating academic excellence.
Posted on: 23 July 2019

PebblePad Super User Academy – Telford 14th – 15th May 2019
Ben and I travelled to PebblePad HQ in Shropshire to upskill as ‘super users’ of the University portfolio and learning journey platform. The plan after undertaking the course is to impart our newly acquired knowledge across the institution through CIE’s digital education workshops, support and guides.
Posted on: 11 June 2019

PollEverywhere User Conference
Will Moindrot helped to bring the annual PollEverywhere user conference to Liverpool, and this is his reflection of the day.
Posted on: 6 June 2019

Developing Students’ Digital Fluency in the Humanities and Social Sciences
On the 17th April 2019 the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences hosted an event to discuss digital fluency and what that means across different disciplinary contexts.
Posted on: 8 May 2019

CanvasCon Europe – 9th October 2018
I attended the CanvasCon Europe Event at the Barbican Centre in London about implementing Canvas and the change in VLE's. This blog post documents my experiences from the day.
Posted on: 24 October 2018
ALT Conference 25th Anniversary (2018)
A colleague and I attended the annual Association for Learning Technology conference in Manchester on its 25th anniversary. Together we prepared a post about the event and our experiences.
Posted on: 11 October 2018