Well-being activities

Take breaks to make breakthroughs!

Short breaks can help with your ability to concentrate and improve your memory.

Take some time out between sessions during Making an Impact 2024. The activities below are designed to help you take some time away from your screen and desk. Taking breaks is vitally important and will lead to better resilience, mental capacity and mental health.

Let us know if you found these useful - tweet at us @LivResearcher and @LivUniAcademy and use #UniLivImpact24.

Home Work Headspace

This playlist includes 10 minutes of calming music designed to let you clear your head and focus on what's next. Shared with permission and many thanks from Anne Birch, AfB Coaching and Consultancy

Office break yoga

Check out these great free, short yoga exercises to do at your desk or just when you need to have a break from your office 

Six breathing exercises to help you relax in 10 minutes or less

Try these breathing exercises to help you harness the power of your inhales and exhales

Brain-teasers to help you relax

Switching between tasks can help give your brain a break from the attention required for online meetings and webinars. Try these brainteasers to give your brain a break and challenge yourself!

MAI Challenging Mazes booklet

MAI Sudoku booklet

MAI Wordsearch booklet