Using Artificial Intelligence in your Media Engagement

Monday, 13 May, 2024 - 9:30 AM

Format: Online Workshop (3 hours) - UoL & Sumy State University

Join this workshop to find out how you can use AI as a powerful tool to elevate your media engagement game.

Join this workshop to learn about why it is important to share your research with the media, how you can go about getting started, who you can get in touch with both within and beyond your organisation and how you can use AI as a powerful tool to elevate your media engagement game. 

Faciltiator: Dr Glyn Morris (He/Him)

Dr Glyn Morris has over 10 years of experience in public and media engagement. He holds an FHEA and a PgCert in Professional and Higher Education. After completing a PhD in Wound Biology Glyn went on to develop his skills in science communication, public engagement and research impact in various roles.

A Lecturer in Biological Sciences and a freelance journalist for the BBC, Glyn uses his tuned skills of communicating complex ideas easily and accessible as a freelance trainer. Current work includes media engagement training and designing and delivering researcher development training for different organisations across the UK and beyond.

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