Access Permissions for Second Supervisors within the PGR Toolbox
General access: By default all secondary, third etc, supervisors can use Tulip to view the formal meeting records for the supervisory team created within the PGR Toolbox.
For access to these records, see the following section, 'Viewing a meeting record in Tulip".
Emails: Secondary supervisors should also receive the automatic emails relating to meetings with the primary supervisor.
Team meetings: Where PGR students arrange formal meetings in the PGR Toolbox with the ‘whole supervisory team’, the second (and other supervisor) will receive all related emails including the notification of the meeting date.
Sign-off: The Secondary (thrid etc) supervisor can have individual meeting records with PGR students, and can sign off-those meetings, but only where the primary supervisor has agreed, and has indicated this agreement in Tulip,
For further information, see the instructions for primary supervisors above.
Note: If your email address is incorrect in the staff database, the PGR Toolbox will not be able to send out the emails correctly. You are recommended to consult the administration in your school/Institute on how to correct details in the staff database.