The Record of Supervisory Meetings
All full -time students are expected to record formal meetings with their supervisor on a monthly basis (section 3 of the Guide on the academic progress of PGR students, Appendix 3 of the Code of Practice). Part-time students are expected to record meetings every two months.
The dates and agenda for each meeting should be entered in advance of the meeting and all records for a reporting year, 1st June to 31st May should be entered into the PGR toolbox by the 31st May each year for input into the Annual Progress Reports.
The requirements to record meetings with your Supervisor are set out in section 3 of the Guide on the academic progress of PGR students, Appendix 3 of the Code of Practice. These records are checked regularly within Schools and Institutes and as part of the Annual Progress reporting.
A video introduction to the Record of Supervisory Meetings is available in . This is provided in the PGRToolbox resources area as part of a recording of a PGR Toolbox webinar.