Where to go |
Type of enquiry |
mednews@liverpool.ac.uk |
General queries around Liverpool Educators Online, and contact the Engagement Team for support with news and events. |
medevent@liverpool.ac.uk |
For enquiries regarding Educator Engagement, please the Med Events Team at the School of Medicine. |
We offer a variety of support options for students, and we ask that you please report all concerns about a student. The School also has procedures in place in order to deal with concerns about student doctor professionalism. View further details on the Sharing Concerns and Professionalism page. |
You can also direct students to the wide variety of supprot services available from the School, and the University, via the wellbeing pages. |
For an overview of the resources on this site, assorted by key roles, please refer to the Information by Role (link) section of this website. | |
Want to know your ACT from your FACE? You can find teams, acronyms, and resources explained, with useful links, on our Glossary (link). |
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