Feminist artwork on a wall.

Feminist Legal Research and Action Network (FRAN)

Building on the history of the Feminist Legal Research Unit at the University of Liverpool, we are a group of legal scholars who take an intersectional approach to feminist research, teaching and scholarship.

About Denim jacket with design that reads 'Grl Pwr'

About FRAN

Read an introduction to our work and get in touch.

Members Light bulbs


Discover more about our researchers and their interests.

Working Groups and Current Projects Girl at protest holding up 'Smash the Patriarchy' sign

Working Groups & Current Projects

Gain an insight into the work our members are currently involved in.

Events Feminists resist graffiti


Find out about our upcoming events and conferences.

History Woman with fist raised in the air


Learn about the history of the Liverpool Law School's Feminist Legal Research Clusters.

Academic Publications Exterior of Law and Social Justice Building


Learn more about our research output.

Postgraduate Supervision

Postgraduate Opportunities

Contact us about Postgraduate Research opportunities. Our members are available to supervise in any of our specialist areas.

Statement of Solidarity Neon tube lighting in the shape of a rainbow against a black background

Statement of solidarity

with those impacted by the anti-LGBT+ violence at the University of Waterloo, Canada.