Developing Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

The Academy offers formal and informal opportunities to help you develop evidence-based approaches and communication skills enabling you to share your teaching expertise and academic practice within and beyond the University. Find out about the opportunities available.

Attend or present at our conferences

The Learning and Teaching Conference is hosted annually in July and offers a chance to share good practice and learn from colleagues across the institution.

The Pedagogic Research Conference is hosted annually in January and offers a chance to present emerging ideas for or results from scholarly research into learning and teaching.

Join a writing group

A writing group offers mutual peer support as you develop your research ideas into a paper or publication. The group collaborates through discussing the writing process, and through reading writing drafts and offering feedback. If you are interested in joining such a group, contact Dr. Eli Saetnan ( for further information.

We also offer a friendly and informal weekly shut-up-and-write session on Friday afternoons (1-4pm). This is an opportunity to carve out some time and space to get writing done, in the company of other writers. The group meets on Teams, and is open to all members of staff and post-graduate students.

Publish your scholarly work

Publish in the Developing Academic Practice Journal

Contribute to the Academy’s Podcast series.  

Teaching and Scholarship Network

The Teaching and Scholarship Network offers an opportunity connect with fellow T&S colleagues from across the institution. The intention is for this to be a safe space to share experiences or discuss challenges. The network has a home on Teams where you can connect with colleagues and see updates about events and resources for developing your scholarly practice.

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