H5P is aimed at being an easy-to-use tool for the creation of interactive learning resources, fully integrated into Canvas allowing the creation and embedding of a wide range of activities into course materials. Content can be used either inside or outside of Canvas, shared with external partners, and there is also learner tracking data available giving useful feedback on student engagement. For more information on H5P please visit the H5P website.
The pilot is in response to increased demand for online learning resources to be made more interactive, and therefore looks to provide an easy-to-access and easy-to-use institutional tool for this purpose. With IT Services funding for 60 author licenses, piloters are being supported by CIE and School of Medicine TEL team to explore H5P, feeding into an evaluation which will look at impact on teaching & learning. The project aims to report back to the Digital Education Advisory group in Summer 2024 with regard to continued funding as a university wide tool.
If you would like to give H5P a try please email cie@liverpool.ac.uk
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