Summer’s out for school: Introducing H5P’s SMARTember 2024
Posted on: 30 August 2024 by Will Moindrot and Rob Lindsay in General

And back we are. Did everyone have a good rest in the extended UK summer sunshine? What do you mean no! Well worry no more, because between 23rd - 27th September the Centre for Innovation in Education (CIE) are hosting several activities to coincide with H5P’s showcase event, SMARTember, taking at least some of the pressure off a return to academic business. Read on for more details.
Engaging students with interactivity on Canvas
In case you’ve missed it, H5P is an easy-to-use tool for the creation of interactive learning resources on Canvas and other University platforms. The University has been running a pilot since 2022 attracting over 100 academic users and 5000+ students in using the platform and creating content. You can see examples of the fantastic work of some of our colleagues in this recent blog post. We are happy to announce the continuation of the project into the new academic year, and for 2024/25 CIE have acquired a small pool of licenses with the capacity to support new and existing users.
The purpose of SMARTember is to raise awareness of the interactive learning functionalities available using the H5P and Canvas platforms. This includes the Generative AI feature Smart Import, which enables users to upload their existing educational content (e.g. documents, lecture capture, presentations, videos and transcripts) and automatically generate interactive new content across a range of different H5P activities. These activity types include quizzes, flashcards and concept summaries.
Academic colleagues have so far found Smart Import to be an excellent timesaver and a great starting point for quizzes and other interactive activities. Students have also provided consistent feedback that content in this format provides an exciting way to engage with previously non- interactive content. Data and privacy are guaranteed, as through a robust legal and technical framework, any content generated or submitted through the Smart Import service is safe guarded from additional third-party use, including training generative AI models.
During the week of 23rd-27th September, H5P are hosting a series of free introductory online webinars. There is also the offer of free unlimited Smart Imports of content (with the University owning a pre-purchased amount for the existing project). The Centre for Innovation in Education are therefore offering one-to-one or group consultations with individual tutors and programme teams during this week who would like to use the platform to develop interactive content.
To request more information on collaborating with CIE during this specific week, or to see H5P in action, please contact a member of our team through our email:
Keywords: Interactive Activities, H5P, Gamification, Generative AI, Smart Import, Digital, Education, Online Learning, Canvas.