"digital learning" blog posts
Reflection on Digital Universities UK - 2023 conference

Reflection on Digital Universities UK - 2023 conference
It was during ‘Metaverse and collaboration: Art of the Possible’ at Digital Universities UK conference last week that I found the chance for some solitary reflection. Guide and curator Layla Bloom (University of Leeds) had concluded an insightful tour of the Leeds special collections, facilitated within a quirky digital gallery space, and in which I was still exploring.
Posted on: 27 April 2023
CanvasCon Europe – 9th October 2018

CanvasCon Europe – 9th October 2018
I attended the CanvasCon Europe Event at the Barbican Centre in London about implementing Canvas and the change in VLE's. This blog post documents my experiences from the day.
Posted on: 24 October 2018