Top Podcasts You Should Listen to Right Now

Posted on: 25 March 2020 by Solenna Le Goff in 2020 posts

Sometimes throwing a podcast into the mix can be a really beneficial tool when studying.

Often our brains and eyes can get tired of the repetitive screen focused studying but this is where closing your eyes, lying down and listening comes inHear us out, we know this sounds like a sit off but trust us it’s not (as long as you don’t get too relaxed and dose off). You can keep your brain active by learning through audio. You’ll realise soon that changing up your study methods can have amazing results.

Here’s a list of our podcast recommendations. Of course there are many more fantastic podcasts out there waiting to be found, but here’s a few for you to start off with. Enjoy!


First up is Archaeology

  • Travel: In Situ with Darius Arya: Travel around the globe with Archaeologist Darius Arya and uncover the past. Darius records his podcast whilst on location so prepare to venture to back streets of Rome, the bazaar of Cairo, the Agora of Athens and the Medina of Tunis to name but a few. Discover the secrets of the ancient world by listening now.  
  • Another popular choice is The Archaeology Channel. If you are looking for up to date information and discoveries then this is the one to listen to. With weekly episodes this channel brings you the latest archaeological news written by Michelle Hilling and read by Laura Pettigrew.  


Next lets delve into our top picks for Classics

  • That’s Ancient History by Jean Menzies. For all of the Classicists have a listen to the podcast described as for all things classical, old & new. Explore antiquity from its history to its place in today's world. Jean is joined by a guest in each episode to discuss topics ranging from Cleopatra to the Holy Roman Empire.     
  • The Classicist is another strong podcast to get your brain flowing. Victor Davis Hanson takes you through history, uncovering ancient civilisations and often drawing comparisons with our present day society.


And finally here's some for the Egyptologists

  • The History of Egypt Podcast. Let Dominic Perry take you on a journey through Egypt. Unearth the mysteries and understand how the Egyptians became one of the most influential civilisations to date. The perfect in depth podcast to build upon your knowledge. 
  • The Ancient World takes a deep focus on a figure or topic in each of their episodes. Whether you want to learn about one specific subject or gain a more general view of Egyptology, this podcast caters to every need. 

So what are you waiting for? Take your pick and go listen! You never know what you might learn. 

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