White cat presented with tablet by someone wearing a latex glove

Adverse drug reactions

The central objective of this project is to explore whether the use of information technology and informatics system, in the form of SAVSNET, can facilitate collection and analysis of pharmacovigilance data and assessment of interventions designed to improve reporting.

This research aims to investigate the use of a health informatics system, such as SAVSNET, in the identification and reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in veterinary medicine. In order to further understand the reporting of ADRs in the veterinary setting we conducted a survey investigating the perceptions, attitudes and experiences of veterinary professionals with regards to reporting. A key finding from this survey was that professionals would be more likely to report an ADR if there was a way to do this via the practice management system. Consequently, we are currently trialling the use of an ADR button embedded into the SAVSNET window, which allows professionals to report directly to the VMD via SAVSNET. In addition to this, SAVSNET holds a wealth of free text clinical notes which provide a unique opportunity to explore more active surveillance methods. We hope to develop methods to identify and extract suspected ADRs from veterinary free text clinical notes to enable us to further characterise suspected ADRs and prospectively monitor newly released drugs for emerging ADRs.

Greyscale image of white female with red hair in a pharmacy setting

SAVSNET data provides a unique opportunity to explore electronic health records for pharmacovigilance information. This project provides an exciting opportunity to identify and report suspected adverse drug reactions, with the overall goal of improving the health and welfare of animals

Heather Davies, PhD postgraduate researcher

This research is funded by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate with support from SAVSNET.

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