Introducing Chiara Pellegrini, visiting PhD researcher from University of Padua

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Chiara Pellegrini

Chiara Pellegrini is a PhD student at the University of Padua and joined the department for a research period during this semester.
Her research interests concern moral philosophy and bioethics, with a focus on the philosophy of action and the concept of moral agency. In this perspective, she has worked on care ethics, focusing on the notions of autonomy, relationality and vulnerability and enhancing the narrative approach to medicine.

Her doctoral project is mainly concerned with discussing and analysing the concept of relationality within moral agency. In this context, she is studying Elizabeth Anscombe's philosophical method and its possible contribution to a complex re-discussion of the concept of relationality. The main aim of the research project is to reformulate moral agency from a perspective that enhances its emotional and relational dimensions, thanks to the analysis of a complex moral subject, in which relational, emotional and dynamic features will be highlighted. The preliminary hypothesis of the research is that the relational perspective can find further development within the philosophy of agency to argue in favour of its normative potential.

Chiara loves spending time with friends and meeting new people, while also enjoying reading and knitting.