Winning Posters for Poster Day and Poster Day Online 2015

Congratulations to all winners on Poster Day 2015!

All prize winners at Poster Day 2015

And further congratulations to all participants who help produced such an impressive display of posters representing the wide range of research at the University. You can see more indiviudal contributions on our Storify at

Poster Day: Winners for the Faculty of Health And Life Sciences


Grace    McGuire
Institute of Psychology, Health and Society
Grace    McGuire
Institute of Psychology, Health and Society

Fahad Alhazmi‌   
Institute of Translational Medicine

Kelly    Ward  
Institute of Translational Medicine


Shebl    Salem, Institute of Infection and Global Health
Basim    Othman, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Lauren    Scarfe,  Institute of Translational Medicine
Rudi    Verspoor, Institute of Integrative Biology
Rasheed    Zakaria, Institute of Integrative Biology
Sian Owen, Institute of Integrative Biology
Nihal    Kenawy, Institute of Translational Medicine
Stuart    Mcewen, Institute of Integrative Biology

Poster Day: Winners for the Faculty of Humanities And Social Sciences


Ailsa    Peate
School of Histories, Languages and Cultures
Ailsa Peate
School of Histories, Languages and Cultures

Oliver Downing‌‌
School of the Arts

Anthony  Williams
School of Histories, Languages and Cultures


Nicky    Nielsen, School of Histories, Languages and Cultures
Elizabeth    Burgess, School of Histories, Languages and Cultures
Patrick    Butchard, School of Law and Social Justice
Sushil    Sainani, School of Management
Ashwaq    Basnawi, School of the Arts
Yahya    Lavaf Pour, School of the Arts
Michael    Ellington, School of Management

Poster Day: Winners for the Faculty of Science and Engineering


 Philip    Sapiro
School of Environmental Sciences
Philip Sapiro
School of Environmental Sciences

Ali    Albayomi
School of Engineering

Thomas Whittles
School of Physical Sciences


Chaoyun    Song, School of EEE & Computer Science
Jeffery    Raphael, School of EEE & Computer Science
Yuan    Ni, School of EEE & Computer Science
Leopoldo    Enciso Maldonado, School of Physical Sciences
George    Oneill, School of Physical Sciences
Raphael    Moura, School of Engineering
Rosti    Hama Rashid, School of Engineering
David    Clare, School of Environmental Sciences
Catherine    Wilkinson, School of Environmental Sciences
Juliane    Wihsgott, School of Environmental Sciences

Poster Day: Guild Award


Stuart    Mcewen,
Institute of Integrative Biology
Stuart Mcewen‌,
Institute of Integrative Biology

Andrew Alvin‌,
School of Engineering

Nicola Beesley‌,
Institute of Infection and Global Health

Poster Day Online: Winners for the Faculty of Health And Life Sciences


 Natalia Cooper‌,
 Inst Psychology, Health & Society

Winner Poster Day Online 2015 Health and Life Sciences

 Stephanie James ‌,
 ‌Inst Translational Medicine

second prize winner health and Life sciences

Katherine    Allsopp, Inst Psychology, Health & Society
Rosa     Whalen, Inst Psychology, Health & Society
Amy    Eacock, Inst Integrative Biology
Christine    Stafford, Inst Integrative Biology
Kelly     Bowlt Blacklock, Inst Translational Medicine
Bethany    Levick, Inst Integrative Biology
Cassandra    Raby, Inst Integrative Biology

Poster Day Online: Winners for the Faculty of Humanities And Social Sciences


Amie Caddy ‌,
School of the ArtsPrize winning poster - image

Anna-Katharina Balonier ,
School of Management
Prize winning poster - image

Eileen    Turnbull, Law and Social Justice
Caroline    Gray,  Histories, Languages and Cultures
Darren     Dunning, Histories, Languages and Cultures
Pei    Zhang, School of the Arts

Poster Day Online: Winners for the Faculty of Science and Engineering


Hsiang-Hsuan Liu ‌,    
School of Electrical Eng, Electron & Comp Sci
Prize winning poster - image

Chaofan Wen ‌,    
School of Engineering
Prize winning poster - image

Joscha    Fossel,    School of Electrical Eng, Electron & Comp Sci
Zhuola,    School of Engineering
Xinkai    Wang,    School of Environmental Sciences
Oliver    Lamb,    School of Environmental Sciences
María    Pin-No,    School of Physical Sciences
David    Morris,    School of Physical Sciences 

Poster Day Online: Participant's Award


Gabrielle Laing,
The Working Horses of Ethiopia (Video)

Inst of Infection & Global Health

Ilaria Santeramo,
Inst Translational Medicine