Support at the School of the Arts


In 19 Abercromby Square you will find our dedicated reception area known as the Student Support Centre.

The Student Support Centre reception is open 9.00am-4.30pm, Monday to Friday, and includes a 'student hub' study space. 

The Student Experience Team are currently working part of the week from home, and are best placed to answer your queries by telephone or email in the first instance:


Telephone: 0151 795 0500

Twitter: @SOTASSC

In addition, you can find the answers to the most common queries on the student intranet site.

If you are experiencing difficulties with any aspect of university life, or you have some pastoral or welfare concerns and would like to speak to someone, you should get in touch, or come in and speak to our Learning, Teaching & Support Officers

The Student Experience Team can also provide your with information and tips on how you can make the most of your time at University, with information on how to get involved with things such as Study Skills Resources, Careers and Employability, and Global Opportunities.

Back to: Department of Music

The whole Department of Music were nothing but supportive through a turbulent period for me while I was completing my degree. Every member of staff I talked to was singularly understanding and helpful. The department excels in pastoral care and provision around mental health, and there is always help available if it is asked for.

Undergraduate Student