Educational Supervisor Role and E-portfolio requirements

Please be aware that the information contained in this section is related to pre-pandemic placements and supervision.

From September 2021 GPORT will no longer be updated by the School of Medicine.

For up-to-date information relating to educational supervisor and e-portfolio requirements, please visit the Educational Supervisors (link) area of Liverpool Educators Online.

The GP tutor will act as the student’s Educational Supervisor (ES) for their GP placement.

The GP tutor/supervisor will be required to register with Liverpool School of Medicine in order to gain access to their student’s e-portfolio. For assistance, please contact

Student Doctors are required to meet individually with their Educational Supervisor on a weekly basis to discuss their progress and to ensure that they are achieving the learning outcomes of the placement.

The School of Medicine’s E-portfolio system (PebblePad) now allows external members of staff within the Practice to be added to the system in two ways; either by the E-portfolio Administrator, or by a student doctor. This will allow the Student Doctor to add members of staff to the e-portfolio system, who have watched them perform a specific activity on placement.

As the students Educational Supervisor, you will be signing clinical placement forms (DOPS, CPADS or OEs). If you prefer to complete them electronically, instead of on the PebblePocket App on the student’s device, then the student doctor can now send you an E-form request via email. When you log into the e-portfolio you will be able to view and complete the E-forms that the student doctor has sent to you. Please ensure that when the student doctor asks for your email address that you give them the email address that you log into the eportfolio system with as this will ensure that the system does not create a duplicate account for you. Any clinician (other than the named GP Tutor) in the practice who is supervising the student can also be sent Placement forms via e mail to sign remotely rather than using the PebblePocket App on the student’s device. We expect this to be particularly useful when remote working due to the COVID-19 pandemic is in place.

There are two ways to access e-forms: You can access a specific e-form by clicking on the link in the email. This will prompt you to login and you will be taken directly to the form. Please note, this method will only allow you to view a specific E-form, and not the list of E-forms from any other students. If you are the named Educational Supervisor for the student (which you will be if you are their named GP Tutor) you can also log into the e-portfolio as normal and you will see the below screen. If a student doctor has shared an E-form/s with you it will appear here under ‘Items that have been shared with you’. Further details are given in the document below.

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    Year 3, 4 and 5 First Education Supervisor Meeting

    To take place during week one of the placement. This is a one-to-one meeting and is estimated to take approximately 30 minutes.

    Students must have uploaded all necessary information into their e-portfolio at least 48 hours before the meeting.

    At the initial meeting you should:

    • Check that the student has received an induction and is aware of how to access support and report concerns.
    • Ensure that the student has received appropriate timetables and other information that they need for the placement.
    • Discuss the Learning outcomes and student specific learning needs and how the student will develop these over the placement.
    • Discuss the evidence that the student needs to enter into their e-portfolio throughout the placement.
    • Record that the initial meeting has occurred on the relevant e-portfolio form.

    For more detailed information on the educational supervisor process please see the Year 3 & Year 4 Educational Supervisor E-Portfolio Guide (PDF).

    Year 3, 4 and 5 Weekly Education Supervisor Meeting

    You will meet your student on a weekly basis during the placement. You will:

    • Meet the student for approximately thirty minutes weekly.
    • Ensure that the student reports on their activities and work diary for the previous week, including the number of sessions they have attended, number of patients seen, clinical skills, teaching sessions and they must be able to articulate the learning achieved during the week.
    • Facilitate student presentation of some cases they have seen.
    • Sign-off any activities appropriate for the e-portfolio.
    • Facilitate other discussions, educational activity and teaching as thought appropriate by the ES.
    • Share your concerns about an individual student with the GP placement co-ordinator if appropriate.
    Year 3, 4 and 5 End of Placement Education Supervisor Meeting
    • To take place at the end/during the final week of the placement. This is a one-to-one meeting and expected to take approximately 30-60 minutes.
    • Students must have uploaded all necessary information into their e-portfolio at least 48 hours before the meeting.

    You will:

    • Review the progress over the whole placement in relation to the curriculum and learning outcomes.
    • Ensure that appropriate work has been completed and entered into the clinical workbooks. You should check that that a representative spread of work has been reported and that sign offs have been by appropriate clinicians.
    • Fill in the end of placement assessment form within the e-portfolio
    • Inform the GP placement co-ordinator of any concerns.
    Year 5 SAMP PETA's
    • Initial, Mid and Final PETA week 1, 3 and 6 respectively
    • Opportunity to discuss the Patient Journey, SAMP projects, discharge summaries and Patient satisfaction questionnaires

    Week 3

    • Mid-term PETA completion of e-portfolio
    • Discussion of progress with SAMP report
    • Review of any patient satisfaction questionnaires(optional)

    Week 6

    • Final PETA completion of e-portfolio
    • Review/discussion of SAMP report
    • Review of any patient satisfaction questionnaires(optional)

    Year 5 SAMP E-Portfolio Requirements

    During their SAMP placement the student doctors are required to provide evidence in their E-Portfolio of the following experiences. Progression and achievement of these should be checked by the Educational Supervisor during their PETA meetings. All of the requirements should be logged on the E-Portfolio before signing off the Final PETA.

    • Case Reports:
      • 3 clinical science/therapeutic reports in their e-portfolio
    • PETA forms (Professional Evaluation & Training Appraisal) via pebble pad – done in GP:
      • initial PETA – week 1 (Learning Objective summary form)
      • mid-term PETA – week 3
      • final PETA – week 6 (The student gives/sends a copy of this form to main office on the ground floor at Cedar House) 
    • Clinical Feedback form (GP)
      • to remain in student’s portfolio
    • Nurse/AHP Feedback form (GP)
      • to remain in student’s portfolio
    Year 3 and 4 E-portfolio Requirements

    Throughout the MBChB programme the students are required to record evidence of their learning in an electronic portfolio. Below is a summary of the types of evidence they require:

    • Observed Examination (OE): the student receiving feedback after being observed performing an examination.
    • Case Presentation & Discussion (CPAD): the student receiving feedback after the verbal presentation and discussion of a case that they have seen. These are to include the presentation of a history, examination, summary, differential diagnoses and the discussion of a management plan.
    • Directly Observed Procedural Skills (DOPS): the student receiving feedback after being observed performing a procedure e.g. Intramuscular injection.

    Student Doctors are required to obtain “recommended” and “minimum” number of forms for each placement.  Minimum numbers are required for student doctors to progress to their next year of studies. Recommended numbers are considered to be an appropriate number for Student Doctors to adequately prepare for their OSCE examination and future practice as a junior doctor. Recommended numbers also act as guidance for Student Doctors aiming to achieve excellence and commendation forms. These numbers are per student doctor.

    First Educational Supervisor (ES) meeting

    All fields completed by student doctor and Educational Supervisor in the e-portfolio.

    Observed Examinations

    Recommended number 3

    Minimum number 2

    Case Presentations & Discussions

    Recommended number 10

    Minimum number 5

    Directly Observed Procedural Skills

    Demonstration of progress only (no minimum numbers for placement)

    Mandatory Experiences

    Student Doctor declaration in their e-portfolio that they have completed 2** out of 4 experiences. (See 'Mandatory Experiences' in 'Year 3 and Year 4 Course Requirements' section of Placement Information (link))

    End of placement Educational Supervisor (ES) meeting

    All fields completed by student doctor and Educational Supervisor in the e-portfolio.

    * Please Note: Although inhaler technique and PEFR measurement are Year 3 & 4 taught skills, we understand that Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGPs) are not currently being performed due to the COVID-19 situation. Should the pandemic situation change e.g. due to a vaccine, we will advise Student Doctors that they can start performing these procedures.

    ** This is a reduced requirement due to the impact of COVID-19 on our working practices. We envisage that the requirement will increase back to all 4 Mandatory Experiences in time. We would encourage you to assist the students to obtain as many as possible during their placements but currently they only need to achieve 2 to complete their ePortfolio.

    There are now many online resources available to students which they can use to supplement their placement experience including the Mandatory Experiences and they should be directed to access these during their placements where appropriate.

    Year 5 E-Portfolio Requirements

    Throughout the MBChB programme the students are required to record evidence of their learning in an electronic portfolio. Below is a summary of the types of evidence they require:

    • Observed Examination (OE): the student receiving feedback after being observed performing an examination.
    • Case Presentation & Discussion (CPAD): the student receiving feedback after the verbal presentation and discussion of a case that they have seen. These are to include the presentation of a history, examination, summary, differential diagnoses and the discussion of a management plan.
    • Directly Observed Procedural Skills (DOPS): the student receiving feedback after being observed performing a procedure e.g. Intramuscular injection.

    Throughout the MBChB programme the student doctors are required to record evidence of their learning in an electronic portfolio. Below is a summary of the types of evidence they require:

    • Observed Examination (OE): the student doctor receiving feedback after being observed performing an examination.
    • Case Presentation & Discussion (CPAD):  the student doctor receiving feedback after the verbal presentation and discussion of a case that they have seen. These are to include the presentation of a history, examination, summary, differential diagnoses and the discussion of a management plan.
    • Directly Observed Procedural Skills (DOPS): the student doctor receiving feedback after being observed performing a procedure. Recommended procedures include: venepuncture, IM/SC injection, NEWS2 recording, perform/interpret ECG, PEFR measurement*, inhaler technique*, dipstick urinalysis, speculum examination.

    Student Doctors are required to obtain “recommended” and “minimum” number of forms for each placement.  Minimum numbers are required for student doctors to progress to their next year of studies. Recommended numbers are considered to be an appropriate number for Student Doctors to adequately prepare for their OSCE examination and future practice as a junior doctor. Recommended numbers also act as guidance for Student Doctors aiming to achieve excellence and commendation forms. These numbers are per student doctor.

    First Educational Supervisor (ES) meeting

    All fields completed by student doctor and Educational Supervisor in the e-portfolio.

    Observed Examinations

    Recommended number 3

    Minimum number 2

    Case Presentations & Discussions

    Recommended number 10

    Minimum number 5

    Directly Observed Procedural Skills

    Demonstration of progress only (no minimum numbers for placement)

    Mandatory Experiences

    Student doctor declaration in their e-portfolio that they have completed all 3 experiences.  (See 'Mandatory Experiences' in 'Year 3 and Year 4 Course Requirements' section of Placement Information (link))

    End of placement Educational Supervisor (ES) meeting

    All fields completed by student doctor and Educational Supervisor in the e-portfolio.

    There are now many online resources available to students which they can use to supplement their placement experience including the Mandatory Experiences and they should be directed to access these during their placements where appropriate.