Paying it forward at Postgraduate Open Evening

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Lucy Peel
As a student rep, Lucy returned to speak to prospective students after attending the event last year as a guest.

The University held its annual Postgraduate Open Evening on Wednesday 26 April, providing an opportunity for prospective students to discover the range of courses available and find out more about life as a postgraduate student at Liverpool.

The event was well attended by both current Liverpool undergraduates and external applicants who attended talks on all aspects of the postgraduate experience. Among others from across the Faculty, the Management School engaged with prospective students through a talk by Postgraduate Associate Dean, Jason Laws, as well as information stands led by Directors of Studies and current MSc student representatives in the academic exhibition space. 

One student, Lucy Peel (MSc Economics) was particularly pleased to be representing the School after having attended the event last year as a guest. Lucy said of the experience: “Last year I found speaking to the Director of Studies, Ian Burn, so important and the experience was fundamental to my decision to come and study at Liverpool.

“The evening provided a great opportunity for the attendees to ask specific questions about the requirements of the course and how the teaching aligns with their personal backgrounds. Students were especially intrigued to hear about how the course has been developed with career prospects in mind, for example how the teaching of coding languages is integrated into the modules. In answering the queries, I hope we encouraged students to feel confident submitting an application to the programme and hopefully continuing to come and study at Liverpool next year.

“The event also made me reflect on the value of being enrolled on the course this year and making the decision to study at ULMS.”

Please visit the website for details of future postgraduate recruitment events.