Day 1

Thursday 8th April // Jueves 8 de Abril


Session 1, 15:00-16:30 (UK) // 09:00-10:30 (COL)

Welcome video and opening remarks from Prof Claire Taylor (University of Liverpool)

Followed by the Sew and Talk Cultural Projects Discussion Workshop

As this will be a virtual workshop, we encourage you to work on your own project while we have the conversation. This could be knitting, sewing, artwork or potting up plants in the garden. We would love you to take this opportunity to reflect on cultural projects, memory, academia and activism with us, while also doing whatever nourishes you best.

If you would like to sew with us, but you do not have a current sewing project, we can send you simple suggestions of embroideries that address human rights issues. If you need this, please email for suggestions.

Moderator: Dr Lucia Brandi (University of Liverpool)
Speakers: Prof Berit Bliesemann de Guevara (Aberystwyth University), Dr Lorna Dillon (Ulster University), Dr Danielle House (University of Reading) Jimena Pardo Zamora (Independent)


*BREAK: 16:30-16:45 (UK) // 10:30-10:45 (COL)* 


Session 2, 16:45-18:15(UK) // 10:45-12:15 (COL)

Panel 2a – Memory, Violence and Representation

Moderator: Prof Matthew Brown (University of Bristol)

Speakers: Prof Alison Ribeiro de Menezes, Prof Thea Pitman, Alejandro Valderrama Herrera

Prof Alison Ribeiro de Menezes (University of Warwick)

Remembering Violence in Trujillo, Valle del Cauca, Colombia: The Parque-Monumento and Eco-Memory

Prof Thea Pitman (University of Leeds)

Occupy MAM!: Indigenous Curatorial Agency in the Arte Eletrônica Indígena Exhibition’

Dr Alejandro Valderrama Herrera (NUI Maynooth)

More than a witness

Panel 2b – Conversatorio: Las grandes alamedas

Presenta: Bárbara Palomino Ruiz (en conversación a distancia con Patricio Vogel, Chile) Chile se encuentra sumergido en una importante crisis, que desde 2019 se hizo internacionalmente visible al explotar con furia en las calles del país, acompañada por saqueos y destrucción de patrimonio público. Esto produjo que el gobierno declarara, por primera vez desde del Golpe Militar de 1973, toque de queda, militarizando ciudades y reactivando imágenes de un pasado silenciado, pero tan presente en la memoria de miles de chilenas y chilenos.

En Santiago, se han realizado, desde entonces, masivas demonstraciones en la Avenida Bernardo O’Higgins –comúnmente conocida como La Alameda, columna vertebral de la ciudad. La Alameda representa el espacio público por excelencia, acumulando por años una cantidad infinita de memorias personales e institucionales, las que han cobrado nuevo significado con el reciente «estallido social».

Propongo en esta ponencia, una revisión sobre trabajos artísticos que reflexionan sobre lo anterior, estableciendo a su vez una conversación a distancia con el artista chileno Patricio Vogel, con quien he colaborado en el proyecto “Alzheimer”, y quien actualmente realiza un trabajo artístico de observación y recolección vinculado a la destrucción de un monumento localizado en un punto de La Alameda, que actualmente concentra implacables enfrentamientos entre la policía y manifestantes.


*BREAK: 18:15-18:30 (UK) // 12:15-12:30 (COL)*


Session 3, 18:30-20:00 (UK) // 12:30-14:00 (COL)

Panel 3a – Conflict Textiles Workshop: Following the Footsteps of the Disappeared

Speakers: Roberta Bacic, Founder of Conflict Textiles and Breege Doherty

Focusing on the present online exhibition at the Ulster Museum Following the footsteps of the disappeared, we will commence with a screening of the exhibition film (6.48 minutes). This shows the pieces displayed live, in conversation with the Conflict Textiles team. This will be complemented by a brief presentation on the Conflict Textiles online archive by Gillian Robinson. We will then shift our focus to Tras las huellas de los/as desaparecidos/as / Following the footsteps of the disappeared, an exhibition in Osorno, Chile, marking 3 International Day of the Disappeared, 30th August 2019, which has its genesis in curator Roberta Bacic’s work with children of the disappeared (1985-1988).

Thirdly, we will screen a 90-second clip of a film made in 1987 amidst the Pinochet dictatorship era and which the Museum of Memory in Chile re-mastered in 2019. Filmmaker Gayla Jamison will join us from Atlanta and show a three-minute clip of her film Scraps of Life, filmed in Chile in 1989 with original footage of that period. She will briefly refer to her experience while there. Ana Zlatkes, textile artist with two pieces in the exhibition will join us for three minutes from Buenos Aires and will comment about her work on this subject. Esther Pardo will facilitate a 15-minute participatory exercise focused on arpilleras within the exhibition. Esther Vital will briefly refer to arpillera workshops she facilitated in Brazil (2011) from which several arpilleras “were born”, one of which is part of the exhibition.

Curator Roberta Bacic will close the session focusing on the forthcoming textile display at the Ulster Museum, Belfast (30th August 2021), which will mark the 10th anniversary of the inaugural observance of the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances in 2011. Bacic will also refer to the journey of this exhibition which will be exhibited in Mexico City, January-February 2022. The final phase of this exhibition will take place at the Memorial of Political Resistance, Sao Paulo, March 2022; the location for the “Arpilleras of Chilean political resistance” exhibition (2011). Email:

Panel 3b - Memoria y cultura popular

Moderadora: Dra Celina de Jesús Trimiño Vásquez

Panelistas: Dr Kristine Vanden Berghe, Dr Boris Alfonso Salinas Arias, Elías Robles

Prof Kristine Vanden Berghe (Université de Liège)

“Disfruta la verdadera aventura salvaje”. De la Hacienda Nápoles al Parque temático

Dr Boris Alfonso Salinas Arias (Red de Universidades Estatales de Colombia, RUDECOLOMBIA, Universidad de Tolima)

Música Pop de Colombia, Memoria y Educación para la paz

Elías Robles Andrade (Museo Legislativo Sentimientos de la Nación)

Programa Tardes de cine club; historia y memoria


*BREAK: 20:00-20:15 (UK) // 14:00-14:15 (COL)*


Session 4, 20:15-21:45 (UK) // 14:15-15:45 (COL)

Panel 4a – Memory, Women and Agency

Moderator:  Eve Hayes (University of Liverpool/ILAS)

Speakers: Dr Isabelle Gribomont, Bridget Blankley, Prof Katy Jenkins, Dr Antonia Carcelen & Juanita Bone

Dr Isabelle Gribomont (University of Liverpool)

The Representation of Women in the Context of the Colombian Conflict: A Corpus-Assisted Comparison of the Discourse issued by La Ruta Pacífica and the Colombian Press

Bridget Blankley (University of Birmingham)

In Her Footsteps: Shoes as Counter-Memorials for the Disappeared.

Prof Katy Jenkins, Dr Antonia Carcelen and Juanita Bone (Northumbria University)

Harnessing Afro-Ecuadorian women’s heritage to promote peaceful and equitable development in Esmeraldas, Ecuador 

Panel 4b – Memoria y pedagogía

Moderador: William Ernesto Condiza Plazas (Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia)

Panelistas: Lina Margarita Remolina Granados, Andrés Javier Bustos Ramírez, Andrés Gómez Barrera

Lina Margarita Remolina Granados (Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia)

Fragmentos de memoria: experiencias museales en el contexto de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Andrés Javier Bustos Ramírez (Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia)

Memoria en la escuela colombiana: un campo en disputa. Un análisis a partir de experiencias educativas

Andrés Gómez Barrera (Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia)

Tensiones en la formación ciudadana escolar en Colombia

*END: 21:45 (UK) // 15:45 (COL)*


Conference Programme  Speaker Bios & Abstracts

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