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Year in China

The Year in China is a unique opportunity to spend a year studying at the University of Liverpool’s partner university campus Xi’an Jiatong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) in Suzhou, China.

The year in China allows you to extend your degree programme to four years if you are on a traditional three-year programme, or five years if you are on a four-year programme including a language**.

You can go on the year in China either after your second year of study (i.e. in between second and final year), or after your final year of study. You must apply the year before you wish to go i.e. first year or final year.

**Please note students on a degree programme which includes a language can only go on the Year in China after their final year. This is because you will be on your languages year abroad in third year.**

You will spend the year learning about Chinese history, culture and politics by studying courses from the BA China Studies programme. All modules are taught in English. You will also learn Mandarin to a basic level.

The Year in China is marked on a pass/fail basis and gives you the opportunity to change your degree title to include ‘with a Year in China’ upon graduation. If you fail the year your degree title would revert back to your original degree title.

Academic Criteria

A minimum of 40% in the year of study preceding the Year in China.

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