The Centre for Innovation in Education Blog

H5P Pilot - Examples from the University so farH5P Pilot - Examples from the University so far

H5P Pilot - Examples from the University so far

H5P is an easy to use tool for the creation of interactive learning resources in Canvas and elsewhere. We have been running a pilot jointly between CIE and the School of Medicine since 2022 with a number of author licenses available for staff to use.

Posted on: 25 January 2024

Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 29, the one with the collabetitionTreasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 29, the one with the collabetition

Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 29, the one with the collabetition

In Episode 29, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our discussion covers gamification for learning as well as the use of laser pointers, a self-created AGILE tool for reflection and the technique called Creative Enquiry Methodologies.

Posted on: 15 January 2024

Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 28, the one with the M&MsTreasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 28, the one with the M&Ms

Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 28, the one with the M&Ms

In Episode 28, our discussion of lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items delved into the power of narrative and stories in capturing students' attention, the anxiety both educators and learners face, role-play and embodied learning, underscoring the importance of empathy, creating a conducive, safe learning environment with a holistic development of head, heart, and hands in education.

Posted on: 18 December 2023

Comparative MarkingComparative Marking

Comparative Marking

In this video podcast, Tony Topping, Senior Learning Technologist in the School of Engineering, spoke to Sam Saunders from the Centre for Innovation in Education about the purpose, benefits and process of comparative marking – where markers examine two pieces of work side-by-side and make a judgement on which is better based on a set of criteria.

Posted on: 12 December 2023

Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 27, the one with the kiss of bloodTreasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 27, the one with the kiss of blood

Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 27, the one with the kiss of blood

In Episode 27, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our discussion evoked an environment where students exercise agency and confidence to explore new ideas through experiments, metaphorical imagery, gamification and where students are guided through complex threshold concepts with a range of exciting and fun pedagogies drawing on active learning, collaboration and peer learning. …

Posted on: 6 December 2023

Looking Back on 2023Looking Back on 2023

Looking Back on 2023

As we bid farewell to 2023, it's a perfect time to reflect on the accomplishments and achievements from CIE, and eagerly prepare for what 2024 holds!

Posted on: 5 December 2023

Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 26, the one with the story/ paper/scissorsTreasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 26, the one with the story/ paper/scissors

Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 26, the one with the story/ paper/scissors

In Episode 26, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our discussion explored how we can get scientists to engage in less linear, creative thinking, getting students to interact directly with artefacts, engage them in peer-to-peer feedback, reflective learning, and the importance of struggle in the process of learning.

Posted on: 20 November 2023

Embracing Interactive Learning - H5P at the University of LiverpoolEmbracing Interactive Learning - H5P at the University of Liverpool

Embracing Interactive Learning - H5P at the University of Liverpool

Posted on: 10 November 2023

Catching up about Canvas Connect Catching up about Canvas Connect

Catching up about Canvas Connect

Just over six months ago Canvas Connect was established to support colleagues making the transition to the University’s new virtual learning environment (VLE). Now boasting nearly 200 members collaborating and sharing all things Canvas, we caught up with the two colleagues driving this collaborative space, Dr Tya Asgari and Will Moindrot, from the Centre for Innovation in Education (CIE) to find out more.

Posted on: 25 September 2023


    H5P Pilot - Examples from the University so farH5P Pilot - Examples from the University so far

    H5P Pilot - Examples from the University so far

    H5P is an easy to use tool for the creation of interactive learning resources in Canvas and elsewhere. We have been running a pilot jointly between CIE and the School of Medicine since 2022 with a number of author licenses available for staff to use.

    Posted on: 25 January 2024