Uploading your photo

This page provides information about uploading your student photo.

Please upload your photo, using our academic registration task, prior to the start date of your prgramme.

If you do not upload your photo before the start of your programme, there will be a delay in issuing your student card which may affect your access to on-campus facilities.

In order to upload your photo, you must have your MWS. If you need help creating your MWS please click here

Your student photo will be used on your student ID card which you will need to gain access to the libraries and to use the printers.

Rules for your student photo

Your photo must be:

  • In colour
  • Clear and in focus with a plain background
  • Unaltered by computer software
  • No more than 2MB.

In your photo you must:

  • Face forwards and look directly into the camera
  • Be the only person in the photo
  • Have your eyes open and visible
  • Not have hair covering your face
  • Not be wearing sunglasses or tinted glasses
  • If you are wearing glasses they must be free from reflection or glare and the frames should not cover your eyes.

Your face should not be covered and if this is the case, for religious or medical reasons, you will need to remove the covering for the purposes of the photograph. 

A good example of a student ID photo


Checking and submitting your details

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