mySavsnet AMR features in PROTECT ME guidelines to monitor antibiotic use

One of the greatest global health challenges currently facing both doctors and veterinary surgeons is antimicrobial resistance (AMR). AMR arises through pathogens (including bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and protozoa) developing resistance to one or more of the drugs we use to kill or inhibit the growth of such pathogens. In short, this means that the drugs (antibiotics being the most well-known example) we previously used to treat infections in people and animals no longer work, resulting in prolonged infections and, increasingly, death. The key driver of AMR development is antimicrobial use, and as such all prescribers have a collective responsibility to ensure that antimicrobials are prescribed appropriately – this includes veterinary surgeons treating companion animals.
Here at SAVSNET we regularly describe antimicrobial prescription frequency and antimicrobial resistance prevalence in the UK companion animal population, and have become increasingly interested in how we can use these insights to encourage responsible antimicrobial prescribing decisions in the veterinary practices we work with. We were recently fortunate to be able to assist with development of new antimicrobial prescribing guidance, led by the British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA ) and the Small Animal Medicine Society (SAMSoc): the PROTECT ME guidance. The PROTECT ME guidance outlines necessity for antimicrobial prescription for a range of common canine and feline clinical conditions, and is based on latest available clinical evidence.
PROTECT ME also recommends practices to MONITOR their antimicrobial prescription. Veterinary practices taking part in SAVSNET already have access to an online secure anonymised free benchmarking website which allows them to compare their antimicrobial prescription to other practices taking part in SAVSNET. Additionally, for those not yet able to take part in SAVSNET, we offer a further free service, mySavsnetAMR. We would encourage veterinary practitioners to view the new PROTECT ME guidance, and to further consider whether antimicrobial prescription benchmarking might have a place in your practice’s commitment to antimicrobial stewardship.