From Liverpool to Impact: AI and its impact on the workforce

Monday, 20 May, 2024 - 12:00 PM

Format: Online Masterclass (60 minutes) - UoL & Public

Technology is at the centre of what we do at PwC, including AI. We’ll explore recent AI trends and its impact on workforce and skills.

We’ll be looking at three areas:
1. AI: With recent AI developments such as ChatGPT, we’ve seen how disruptive and fast moving technology can be and it’s clear that businesses are not ready for the change. Once businesses feel the impact of change, what does this mean for the workforce, and how do we prepare those entering the workforce today for tomorrow?
2. Skills: The tech industry has the biggest skills shortage, and with Manchester and the North West tipped to be the next Silicon Valley, how do we encourage a diverse mix of people, including those without a STEM background, that a career in tech could be for them?
3. Diversity: The broad spectrum of tech roles and possibilities mean that diversity, and neurodiversity, are key. We’ll share some of our research that really shows why tech can be a career for everyone.


  • Chloe Carter (She/Her) - Clients & Markets Manager
  • Guy Farrer Fisher (He/Him) - Technology & Investments Director

Linked sessions

Aimed at

Knowledge and skill axis

Innovation Theme(s)

RDF Domain(s)