Teaching Resources
The QUASAR Group has created teaching resources, including outreach videos, science films and augmented reality for schools, students and anyone who shares our excitement for science and discovery.
Educational videos
Our videos about outreach days and how to build your own experiments serve as resources for teachers, students and anyone fascinated in science. Have a look at our videos and find out how to build your own compact Van de Graaff generator or rail 'gun' using simple household components.
Science short films
We co-created award-winning short films about antimatter, collider facilities, accelerators and their applications with CERN to showcase accelerator R&D at Liverpool and project partners. The films feature the campus and staff of Liverpool University, as well as collaboration partners, Nobel Laureate Peter Higgs and former CERN Director-General Rolf-Dieter Heuer.
Augmented reality app
The augmented reality particle accelerator app acceleratAR, developed by QUASAR Dr Chris Edmonds, uses paper cubes to create a virtual particle accelerator that helps students to learn about accelerator science.