Accompanying Workshops

The LDC Development  Programme includes several workshops on facilitation, as introduced in the LDC Programme theme, ‘Facilitation’. The workshops are open to all PGRs, whether or not they are on the Development Tutor Scheme, but applicants to the Development Tutor Scheme are strongly recommended to attend these sessions. The following workshops were offered in 2019, but may be revised for 2020:

    • Webinar: Introduction to Facilitation
    • Becoming a Facilitator -half-day workshop
    • Webinar: Designing Workshops
    • Facilitating Workshops -half-day workshop

Before attendance at either of the two half-day workshop, we do expect you to attend the preceding webinar. We record most webinars, in case you have to miss all or part of these sessions.

Upcoming dates and further details for the above workshops will be available on the LDC Development programme timetable.