Dr Sarah Dyball

Dr Dyball is a Rheumatology Specialist Registrar in the North West.

Image of Dr Sarah Dyball

Dr Dyball graduated from Brighton and Sussex Medical School in 2015 with an MBBS and a 1st class (hons) Bsc in Pharmacology. She began her post-graduate training in the North West and gained membership to the Royal College of Physicians in 2018. She was awarded an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship at the University of Manchester in Rheumatology where she developed an interest into the development of targeted therapeutics in connective tissue diseases.

Toll Like Receptor Blockade in Systemic Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases: a Stratified Medicine Approach to Drug Development

Connective tissue diseases are a group of multisystem autoimmune disorders with overlapping clinical and serological manifestations. Traditionally, connective tissue diseases are grouped according to their clinical features, for example, into systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis and Sjögren’s syndrome. Patients may evolve between disease categories as they accrue clinical features and auto-antibodies.

Dr Dyball's work with Prof Ian Bruce at the University of Manchester aims to shift focus from describing patients by clinical phenotype to stratifying using immune pathways and shared biomarkers across connective tissue diseases. This is important as such patients are rarely studied in such a systematic fashion. This research will help us administer therapies more effectively and aid the design of medical trials for future treatment.

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