Charity Law and Policy Unit (CLPU)
CLPU's conferences and events help to shape regulatory reform of charities and third sector organisations.
Critical Approaches to International Criminal Law (CAICL)
CAICL organises seminars and workshops focused on international criminal law.
EU Law @ Liverpool
EU Law @ Liverpool's conferences and events add expertise to the public debate on the UK's withdrawal from the European Union.
European Children's Rights Unit (ECRU)
ECRU events cover a broad range of children's rights areas, including Brexit, children's rights in the legal process and child labour.
Health Law and Regulation Unit (HLRU)
HLRU events invite experts from a range of health-law areas to speak at seminars and conferences.
International Criminological Research Unit (ICRU)
ICRU's conferences and events share expertise and enhance public understanding of research in criminology and criminal justice.
International Law and Human Rights Unit (ILHRU)
ILHRU hosts a diverse range of events, inviting high-profile speakers such as international judges and lawyers to deliver talks on international human rights law.
Law and Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) Unit
The Law and NCD Unit host events with the objective of informing academic and policy debates on NCD prevention at regional, national and global levels.
Liverpool Economic Governance Unit (LEGU)
LEGU hosts events that bring together a diverse range of researchers interested in the challenges and opportunities afforded by changes in global economic governance.
Publics & Practices
Events held by Publics & Practices examine the social, economic, cultural, political and affective production of publics.