Nasir Mirza - Local CL - Neurology

I followed this up with further research on PD during an elective at the Johns Hopkins in Baltimore.  By this time, I knew enough about PD to get my mother’s PD diagnosis ‘reversed’—she has benign essential tremor! After graduation, I did an Academic Foundation Programme, during which I did research on the genetics of motor neurone disease at King’s College London. This research got me hooked on genetics, but my clinical interests lay elsewhere. I enjoyed the challenge of managing epilepsy. Hence, I decided to come to Liverpool, which has an outstanding reputation in epilepsy research, to do an Academic Clinical Fellowship (ACF). After the ACF, I won an MRC Research Training Fellowship through national competition to do my PhD, and then a prestigious MRC Centenary Award to further develop on my PhD research. I have recently been appointed an Academic Clinical Lecturer in Neurology.