"department of history\n" blog posts

Visiting the Liverpool Conservation Centre of National Museums LiverpoolStudents at the conservation centre with Dr Chrissy Partheni.

Visiting the Liverpool Conservation Centre of National Museums Liverpool

In the centre of Liverpool, there is a very unassuming building that looks like a piece of history on the outside, holding a literal treasure of well-kept knowledge. This is rather reminiscent of the purpose we were there for, to examine pieces of art worn with history and pick apart their deeper meaning. The place I’m talking about is the Liverpool Conservation Centre of National Museums Liverpool, home of over 1500-year-old diptychs that I and a few lucky others have come to see.

Posted on: 10 December 2021

We (won't) remember themThe statue of Edward Colston

We (won't) remember them

You may have noticed that part of the title is in brackets. In this article, I intend to decipher whether the removal of Imperialist statues diminishes our remembrance of history.

Posted on: 13 October 2021