Roslyn Joy Irving

Thesis: Re-reading Radcliffe in relation to textual materials from the Eighteenth Century; with reference to her seminal work The Romance of the Forest (1791). University Emails:;

Supervisors: Dr Thomas Duggett; Dr Paul Baines

Biography: A PhD candidate based at the University of Liverpool and XJTLU. Holding a BA in Anthropology with International Relations; and an MA in Anthropology by Research, investigating archival records from India (c.1914-1941). Prior research has fostered an interdisciplinary approach, blending critical discourse analysis, historical research, and ‘thick description’. Currently investigating ‘Gothic’/Romantic novelist Ann Radcliffe, her third novel The Romance of the Forest (1791), and the Eighteenth Century European context. Considering the ways Radcliffe’s cultural, social, and political experiences have mapped onto the plot and themes of her fiction.

Research Interests: Romanticism; Gothic literature; the Long Eighteenth Century; debates on chivalry and class; Ann Radcliffe; John Milton; temporality and neo historicism

Teaching Assistant Roles: Romanticism (XJTLU); The Gothic (XJTLU)

Other Activities: contributing to organising a monthly reading group on Coastal and Littoral Gothic.

Conference Papers:

  • Sunset in The Romance of the Forest (1791), Ann Radcliffe’s Vision (July 2021), developed for a digital conference organised by the University of Exeter’s postgraduate English Journal, Exclamation!
  • Ann Radcliffe’s Gothic Failures and Modern Men in The Romance of the Forest (1791) (May 2021), presented at the University of Liverpool’s departmental postgraduate conference.
  • Ann Radcliffe’s Coastal Spirit, Trapped in The Romance of the Forest (1791) (March 2021), developed for the Haunted Shores digital conference on littoral gothic
  • Journalism, Flights of the French Revolution and The Romance of the Forest (December 2020) presented at the University of Liverpool’s departmental postgraduate conference.