
This page lists health and safety contacts for the EM Unit as well as the emergency contact number, 2222.

Health and safety contacts

Safety Officer Geoff Williams 0151 794 5793
Fire Officer Christine McNamee 0151 794 5451
Radiation Safety Officer Judy Coulson 0151 794 5850
Qualified First Aiders  Christine Cashman 0151 795 4989
Jane Hamlett 0151 794 5460
Chief Technician Helen Davies 0151 794 4179

Personal protective equipment

Before beginning experiments clients must be aware of potential risks and wear appropriate protective equipment wherever there is any hazard risk, these include lab coats, gloves, safety glasses and face shield.

Toxic or dangerous substances (e.g. osmium tetroxide, resins, fixatives, stains) require lab coats and disposable gloves and are likely to require access to the fume cupboard (Room 3.16). Gloves and face shield should be worn when handling liquid nitrogen.

Risk assessment

EM Unit generic risk assessment forms may already be appropriate for your projects, if this is not the case download this risk assessment and consult EM Unit staff to ensure that all of the sections are correctly completed.

You should be aware of all potential hazards before starting any work in the EM Unit.

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