I Got Hired: Research Executive
Posted on: 29 September 2023 by Richard Finch in Graduate stories

Izzy Tooze is a Class of 2022 Psychology graduate, now working as a Research Executive at Mustard Market Research
I'm currently working as a Research Executive at Mustard Market Research.
I came across the opportunity on Handshake whilst still at university. It sounded like something I would really enjoy and be able to apply my degree knowledge as a Psychology student.
In order for this to become a reality I moved across to the city centre Manchester after my interview and began doing small tasks such as data inputting and recruitment. A year later, I work across a large range of projects, which have me liaising with clients, conducting fieldwork, and creating reports.
In terms of what I enjoy most about my job, I would say going all over the country to lead interviews and focus groups. This is because I get to meet many different people across many different fields.
It's not all been easy, and as a recent graduate one of the most challenging things for me since leaving university has been navigating the cost of living crisis!
If I was to give some advice to current students I would say the following three points:
1. When you're relaxing, switch off your uni brain - if you're still thinking about your work during downtime, it's not really downtime at all!
2. Early morning lectures are worth the effort of getting out of bed!
3. Don't leave your dissertation umtil the last month to write it!
Keywords: Graduate, Class of 2022, I Got Hired.