Community Design Cluster
The Community Design Cluster (CDC) puts together faculties, students and practitioners in the area to work on community-based design and planning.

Design & Digital Cultures
Design & Digital Cultures is a new research and scholarship cluster that is grounded in architecture, visual arts and digital technology in the broadest sense.

Environment, Sustainability and Technology in Architecture (ESTA)
ESTA investigates low carbon architecture, the impact of climate change on building performance, digital design, innovative material technologies and the operational and embodied carbon of sustainable design.

Experimental Material Ecologies Research Group [EMERG]
Our goal is to explore the material ecologies associated with construction materials and to inform the development of sustainable solutions for the built environment.

Health Cluster
The Health research cluster brings together researchers with shared interests in the complex and omnipresent associations between human health and the built environment.

Heritage Cluster
The Heritage research and scholarship cluster undertakes research and impact work and leads a postgraduate taught programme in heritage management.

History of Architecture Research Cluster
The History of Architecture Research Cluster (HARC) pursues research on the past of the built environment, with the aim of understanding the present, and helping to shape a better future.

Housing Cluster
The Housing Cluster leads a series of research and pedagogic programmes in urban housing, finding different forms in teaching, exhibits, publications and events.

Practice and Pedagogy
The Practice and Pedagogy cluster at LSA celebrates the diverse and rich pedagogic approaches, scholarship and practices the school delivers in its under – and post-graduate courses and public engagement activities in the city of Liverpool and beyond

Sustainable Cities
This cluster brings together research in the humanities and social sciences with a focus on sustainability and climate change from the scale of buildings to cities.

Urban Form and Social Space
The Urban Form and Social Space (UFSS) research group investigates the production and transformation of the built environment and is especially interested in the social and political dynamics of design and planning.

Women of the Welfare Landscape Project
‘Women of the Welfare Landscape’ is an Arts and Humanities Research Council supported research project that commemorates the network of women and their collaborators who have had a major impact on shaping the post-war designed landscapes of the British Welfare State.