Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (CertAVP) – Equine Modules

If you wish to work towards the ‘Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (Equine Practice)’ you must successfully complete the following modules:

1x A-Module:  
A-FAVP.1 Foundations in Advanced Veterinary Practice
1x B-Module:  
B-EP.3 Equine Practice
3 x C-Modules:

Any three C- modules from the equine range and/or discipline based modules that can be taken in the context of equine. 

Pick from the complete list of modules

Plus, 1x other B- or C-Module: Pick from the complete list of modules

A & B modules provide the foundation for the rest of the CertAVP programme so they should be completed in order before C-modules. A & B modules begin three times per year, in January, April and September, which means that you can choose when you begin your studies without waiting a whole academic year to begin. The C-modules can be completed in any order.

Assessment is via continuous assessment/case-studies throughout each module and you will be supported throughout your modules via a fully-structured e-learning programme.

Designated Certificates

If you would prefer to work towards a designated certificate in a specific subject area, you must also successfully complete A & B modules, but C-modules must be chosen from a narrower selection. In addition to the modules, candidates working towards a designated CertAVP must also pass a Synoptic Examination.

The University of Liverpool currently offers the following equine designated certificate options:

Other designated certificates include: